Has Covid got you thinking about making some serious changes to your life once restrictions are lifted? If you’re reading this, you might be considering becoming a dive professional. Perhaps you’ve already set this goal and you’re researching how to best start on this life changing path!
If this is you, there are 3 big choices you need to make. 1. Where to do your Instructor Development Course 2. With whom you want to learn 3. Which training organization you want to be affiliated with?
The question of ‘where’ I have addressed in various blogs and have been Live On Facebook to describe the benefits of learning within a community like Koh Tao, Thailand. To answer the question of ‘with whom’, I can only encourage you to interview CDs (Course Directors) and Dive Centres that are on your list. Of course, I encourage you to start with Ban’s and Assava Dive Resort but consider things like facilities, staff experience, speed of reply to enquiries, enthusiasm for teaching, commitment to the ocean environment and their career counseling program.
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